
On 05.10.2005 22:52, Gilberto Nunes Ferreira wrote:

Hi folks...

Since I'm not any expert in regex function, I decide make this question:

"How can I make some regex to eliminate hide file and directory of backup?"


Ok, let's see.

First, using options with exclude=yes in baculas configuration is something I never did, but from this mailing list I know that it's not exactly intuitive... so I guess you better prepare for some edit / reload / estimate sessions.

RegEx: You should have some manual pages on your system elaborating on regular expressions.

Basics: . matches anything - once.
* means "the stuff before the * 0 or more times"
+ means "the stuff before the + 1 or more times"
^ is the beginning of a line
$ is the end of a line
\ escapes special characters like . or *
[] are alternatives, and with ^ mean everyting except, so for example [0-9]+ matches all natural numbers (hope I've got the maths right :-)
Other things should not be necessary for now.

A regular expression that matches any full path where the last component begins with a . could, for example, be:

And, what you want, could look like ^.+/[^.][^/]+$ - this doesn't distinguish between directories and files, so you've got to think about that part. Personally, but that comes from before the RegEx matches were introduced in bacula, I used find to collect filesets with these characteristics. You can include the output from commands as a file set.

Some examples:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/> # The following command finds all files not beinning with 
. , but also looks in .-directories
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/> find ~arno/ -type f -regex '^.+/[^.][^/]+' -maxdepth 2 | 
head -n 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/> # The next one only finds files in the home directory:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/>  find ~arno/ -type f -regex '^.+/[^.][^/]+' -maxdepth 1 | 
head -n 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/> # And, finally, one to find non-dot directories:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/> find ~arno/ -type d -regex '^.+/[^.][^/]+' -maxdepth 1 | 
head -n 5

Note the use of head (so you don't have to read through all my untidy home-dir) and maxdepth.

And, of course, find is a great tool to try regular expressions.


Acesse o link abaixo para conhecer nossa empresa: http://www.selbetti.com.br/apresentacao __________________________ Nome: Gilberto Nunes - Analista de Suporte Selbetti Equip. Escritorio Ltda Fone = 441-6034 www.selbetti.com.br

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