
Recently, we discussed on this list my "Open Source Funding" idea.  In 
summary, I thought it would be fair to change the binary license to require 
for-profit organizations to pay for binary copies of Bacula code that we 
prepare and they download.  The purpose was to collect money to be able to 
pay programmers to implement more features in Bacula.

After a lot of discussion and reading several articles submitted by users, I 
have abandoned this idea because paying for projects seems to squeeze out 
free contributions to projects in favor of paid workers, and this is not 
something that interests me at all.  

Ideas such as Landon's data encryption project, are an exception to this, and 
I am very pleased, because Landon has succeeded in reaching is target (or 
nearly so) of $3000 of donations to the EFF in the name of the Bacula 
project. I don't see this kind of project as squeezing out free 
contributions, and would like to see additional Bacula projects of a similar 

Since I began the Bacula project in January 2000, I have been personally 
supporting approximately $8000 per year expense for the project, mostly, 
hardware, communications costs, electricity and license fees (good old 
Microsoft).  I am happy to have been able to support these expenses and have 
no plans to be reimbursed.

However, in order to assure the long term survival of the project (without me 
5-10 years from now), I believe it is time for Bacula to begin paying its own 
way, with contributions made by satisfied users. To accomplish this I have 
opened a PayPal account for the Bacula project that will allow any of you who 
wish to contribute.  

For more details please follow the "Donations" link found in the Support 
section on the main Bacula Web page (http://www.bacula.org).

Best regards,



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