>>>>> On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 10:48:17 +0800, Anwar Ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  Anwar> Hi Everyone,

  Anwar> I'm kinda new at using Bacula. I'm maintaining an existing system 
  Anwar> now.

  Anwar> I'm currently looking at trying to cancel a scheduled job. Basically 
  Anwar> job has been schedule to run later today and it doesn't have a JobId 
  Anwar> (it's not running yet). Most jobs that are running have a JobId that I 
  Anwar> cancel by using the console command "cancel jobid=4122", where 4122 
  Anwar> the JobId that I got by issuing the command "status director".

  Anwar> Basically cancel seems to be able to cancel Jobs that are running. How 
  Anwar> do I cancel (or remove) jobs that haven't started to run yet?

  Anwar> I curretly reading the manual but I'm guessing I'm using the wrong 
  Anwar> command. Could someone point out the right command to cancel a job 
  Anwar> that's scheduled to run but haven't started yet.

AFAIK, there is no way to do this directly.  You could change the schedule and
reloading the config or stop the Director daemon.

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