
On 13.09.2005 18:56, Marcus wrote:

I think I've been having trouble with used tapes so
I'm on new Fuji's now. Figured my data compression
woes would be gone now that I have true unformatted
tapes, but upon loading one, the drive's "DC" light
comes on. :P

That setting is tape dependent, but with many drives I know compression is the default setting with uninitialized tapes.

After that, set the drive to 40g/no compression and
wrote some data, then quit for bed. Turned the drive
on this morning and the "DC light is back on again!

Did your jobs change the tape in between? Then that's to be expected.

even checked for new firmware and tried shooting the
hex codes for No Compression to the drive, that didn't
seem to help.

Not the best choice, usually.

Rather then fight it, is there a problem with me
leaving data compression on? I wanted to avoid that
since I thought it would slow the drive down (my data
isn't very compressable). But the drive seems to
prefer (or provoke) running compressed. My high
priority is to prolong head life. Thanks list!

Assuming shoe-shining is not an issue, that shouldn't matter.

***btw last time I asked, using mt's defcompression
came up. My version doesn't seem to have that command,
only datcompression which doesn't apply to dlt.

From my mt man page:
              (some SCSI-2 DAT tapes) Inquire or set the compression status 
(on/off).  If
              the  count  is one the compression status is printed. If the 
count is zero,
              compression is disabled. Otherwise, compression  is  enabled.  
The  command
              uses  the SCSI ioctl to read and write the Data Compression 
              mode page (15). ONLY ROOT CAN USE THIS COMMAND.

I can use this with all sorts of tape drives, be it DLT, DAT, or pre-DDS but compatible Archive 4mm HS drive... You can try it, watch the system log, and check using mt and tapeinfo.


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