"Michael Dauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am stuck. I succeeded to make a backup from a WinXP Pro as it
> was inside the LAN. Then I moved it outside and adapted the IP
> addresses in all configs.

If "outside the LAN" includes a network address translation (NAT)
router, then you will need to configure it to pass port 9102
traffic through to your WinXP system.  The quick test for the
presense of a NAT device is to type "ipconfig" at a command
prompt.  If your IP address is in the form 192.168.*.* , 10.*.*.* ,
or 172.16-31.*.* , then you probably have a NAT device between
you and the Internet.

Assuming that the system has direct (non-NAT) IP connectivity,
I would look deeper into the firewall config.  There are several
settings in the WinXP SP2 firewall code that allow you to only
permit access to ports from the local subnet, which obviously has
changed since you moved the machine out of the LAN.  Since you're
using a third-party firewall, you are on your own to verify
that it doesn't work the same way.  Every test that you have run
shows that the FD is listening on port 9102, and something is
preventing the DIR's packets from getting to it.

If all else fails, you can always bring the system back onto
your LAN (virtually, of course!) using OpenVPN.  Since it
uses SSL and not IPSec, it builds point-to-point links that
blow right through NAT devices and give you an encrypted link
to boot.  You probably don't want to be doing an unencrypted
backup over the Internet anyway, so you can kill two birds
with one stone by using OpenVPN to set up a virtual link
back to Bacula.....


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