Dear All,

we run bacula-mysql-1.36.3-1 with a bunch of homegrown perl scripts
under Linux (RHEL3).  We use it to archive (static, structured data) not
for incremental backups.  Yesterday I made the dreaded mistake of
purging the wrong tapes - 22 of such.  :(

We have decided that the easiest solution is just to re-archive the data
- our scripts will handle that trivially.  But we are worried about
files from the ends of the purged tapes.  Will bacula cleverly work out
that the half-file it has at the end of tape X is useless because the
other half has been purged?  And therefore remove it from the catalog,
so that my script can realise it should be re-archived?  If not, any

Likewise for half files at the start of tapes.

Glen Davison

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