>>>>> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 01:11:08 -0500, Tom Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  Tom> I'm having a time getting my postgres tables to drop, I had this working 
  Tom> and now I can't seem to remember which user was allowed to drop the 
  Tom> tables.  I  think I used the postgres user, but when I su to that user, 
  Tom> I get an error saying there is no postgres database.  When I try it from 
  Tom> a user it connects to the bacula database but doesn't have the privilige 
  Tom> to delete the tables.  Can anyone point me too some more detailed 
  Tom> reading on how to set up/delete the postgres tables?  Thanks.

The postgres superuser is called pgsql for me.  e.g. try something like

drop_postgresql_tables -U pgsql


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