Dan Goldberg wrote:

>       I just got an MS-SQL database dropped in my lap (yech). Anyone have a
> working strategy to backup ms-sql with bacula? It does not need to be a
> hot backup

Best way I've found is to use MS SQL's built in database backup settings
to dump databases (and transaction logs - a backup seems to be about the
only way to stop these growing ad infinitum...) to files and then direct
bacula to backup those.

You'll find that if you compress the SQL server backups (using gzip,
say) then they'll shrink to around 10% of their original size. Doesn't
matter so much if your tape drive does hardware compression, which ours
do, but I use this so that we can keep a week or so of SQL Server
backups available 'online'.

My setup is as so:

Under "Maintenance Plans" I have a plan which does a complete database
backup to disk (J:\SQLBACKUP) of selected databases (I don't bother
backing up test databases) with a verify and a 'remove files after 7
days' option. This runs at about 11pm, the same time bacula kicks in. It
doesn't take very long to dump the databases to disk - the server's
never very busy. At this point, bacula's off backing up other servers.

At quarter past midnight I run a script which gzips and prunes all files
in J:\SQLBACKUP (this could be run as a ClientRunBeforeJob, but it takes
a while to run and I expect it'd hold other jobs up while it ran). This
removes all *.gz files which are more than 7 days old (SQL Server
probably won't do this, despite the setting in the maintenance plan, as
gzip will have renamed the file to $file.gz) and then compresses any
.BAK and .TRN files it finds (using nice gzip -9 - without nice, it
*really* slows the server down).

I think I've posted the script which compresses and prunes SQL Server
backups here in the past.. if you can't find it in the archives, give me
a shout. I have Cygwin installed on the SQL Server machine so that I can
write the script in bash (although you could install a win32 port of
gzip and write it in Javascript or VBScript, I guess)...

This setup seems to work well for me. If we need to restore a database,
then we have a week's worth in J:\SQLBACKUP and they just need
gunzipping and restoring. If we need to go back more than a week, then
we can pull out a tape, restore the .gz file, gunzip it and then restore
it to the database server.

If I didn't want to keep the online archive of databases then there
wouldn't really be much point in gzipping the backups, but I feel that
going to tape should be a last resort. As it is, I think I've had to
restore a database exactly once in the last year, because someone did
something silly.

Russell Howe

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