Marcus wrote:
Bacula has been working great this week in handling my
huge backup/verify operations. Hopefully it will
handle the requisite restores just as well! :D
I expect it to...
The only big error I have run into is a "Error writing
final EOF to tape" that seems to pop up now and then.
Last night I had a backup that was to span maybe four
or five tapes, but instead used up seven because it
gave up on two tapes before they were full.
Here's the error:
What do those errors mean? It has happened to me
before over the last couple days, seems to go away
with "fiddling" (umount/mount the tape, etc). I was
going to fiddle with the afformentioned volumes, 3 and
6, and/or run a verify of the entire job, but decided
to let the whole thing sit until someone offers an
Worn-out tapes, most probably.
You can get a more detailed error report using the tapeinfo program, but
you be useful you must capture the TAPEALERT status from the drive
before the tape with problems is offline!
The mtx-changer script is one good place to read the Tapealert status
from the drive before each media change, for example.
Confessions: these are used tapes, in a used tape
drive. I'm almost out of used tapes, but the used
drive is here to stay.
Replace the tapes, and make sure the drive is cleaned when it requests
it. Make sure that the autochanger case itself is dust free, and don't
operate the unit in a place where people smoke (that's deadly) or where
its dustier than absolutely necessary. Server rooms or enclosures are
good locations :-)
Thanks for any help, and thanks for Bacula!
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