Michael Dauer wrote:
> Hello,
> The manual proposes to run "ntbackup backup systemstate /F c:\systemstate.bkf"
> before the backup of a windows machine.
> Is there a possiblity to have it run by the before-job?
> I don't want to rely on maintain synchronous schedules.

Not only is there a possibility, that is the intention.  Create a batch
file like this on the client, and place it in the c:\bacula\bin directory:

@echo off
del c:\systemstate.bkf
%systemroot%\system32\ntbackup.exe backup systemstate /F c:\systemstate.bkf
exit 0

Then put this directive in the client's Job definition:

  ClientRunBeforeJob = c:/bacula/bin/systemstate.bat

This will run ntbackup before starting the job, and start backing up
data only after ntbackup has finished.

Note that if you have the latest beta version and XP or Windows 2003
clients with VSS enabled, I don't think you need to do this any more.

 Phil Stracchino       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker
 Mobile: 603-216-7037         Landline: 603-886-3518

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