On Saturday 10 September 2005 01:23, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Henry Yen wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 03:54:13AM -0700, Knut E. Meidal wrote:
> >>I am reinstalling a machine, Dell PowerEdge600c which is to become a new
> >>Bacula server.
> >>I am having errors with the aic7xxx driver, both the new and old, using
> >>a host of different Linux distros, and kernels.
> >>(Most recent error: "(scsi0:-1:-1:-1) Referenced SCB 0 not valid during
> >>SELTO"
> >>I have tried several different cards, many different cables and many
> >>different tape drives, libraries and terminators. All unsuccessful.
> >>Does anyone have suggestions for a solid combination of Linux distros,
> >>kernel rev etc that I can try?
> >>
> >>I have so far tried:
> >>Gentoo with homebaked kernels in the 2.6.8 to 11 range
> >>Debian 3.01 Sarge, both 2.4 and 2.6 kernels aic7xxx and aic7xxx_old both
> >>static and modules
> >>Ubuntu Linux(essentially Debian) with 2.6 kernels, stock and homebuilt
> >>SuSE 9.3 with no customization
> >>
> >>The irritating part is that this setup worked fine with Windows 2000
> >>Server and tape drives...
> >>
> >>I am seeing lots of discussions about the aic driver in Linux, can
> >>anyone confirm it is possible to get scsi tapes working on adaptec
> >>29160?
> >
> > yeah, the aic7xxx situation looks pretty bad...
> >
> > i've got a redhat7.3 (with most of the redhat updates) on a pentium4/1.8
> > with a 29160LP (a 29160B chip with the vhd connector), and a 2940u2w,
> > and a buslogic 946c (ancient, 50HD connector) all running
> > tape drives, simultaneously.  problems occur only if the scsi bus
> > hangs up (which typically happen only if/when the drive hangs up
> > and the error recovery doesn't happen within the bus timeout window).
> > the reset procedure in that case is to rmmod then modprobe the aic7xxx
> > module.  other than that, no other problems that i encountered.
> >
> > i've got a pranged 29160 non-LP ("low profile" -- no internal connector)
> > card that needs some soldering work, and if my lab techs ever get
> > around to fixing it, i'll be testing that, too.
> >
> > knoppix 3.9 also runs on this kit.
> I'm glad this discussion came up BEFORE I did my planned replacement of
> babylon5's current BT958C and AHA2940 with a pair of AHA29160s.

I've got three SCSI cards here:
An old one:
Adaptec AIC7xxx driver version: 6.2.36
Adaptec 2940 Ultra2 SCSI adapter
aic7890/91: Ultra2 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs

And two identical newer ones:
Adaptec AIC7xxx driver version: 6.2.36
Adaptec 29160 Ultra160 SCSI adapter
aic7892: Ultra160 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs

I never have had the slightest problem with any of them.

Best regards,



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