On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Kern Sibbald wrote:
The _only_ thing that I can see which might be affecting things is a
ctime/mtime update on the parent directory, but only 100-200 files (out of
several thousand) are actually changing, however it looks like the entire
dircetory is being backed up.
Kern, is this normal behaviour? I'm trying to find out what the standard
policy is before trying to dig too much into why there's so much being
backed up needlessly....
Look at the time and date stamps on the files using "stat <filename>".
I have done, but "find /path/to/tree -type f -mtime -1" has a
similar effect and more importantly only lists a couple of hundred files.
Ditto if -ctime is used as the argument.
I will have to dig further...
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