Kern Sibbald wrote:
On Saturday 27 August 2005 18:22, Uwe Hees wrote:
Hello all,
for some time I am playing with bacula to find out if should use it
for personal backups at home and maybe use it in the my company to
backup some Linux servers.
I have tried 1.36 and some 1.37 up to 1.37.37 on my ibook G4 running
under MacOS X 10.4.2.
While performing the default backup scenario (local disk to disk)
using the sqlite3 database engine, I get the following results:
(slow backup speed)
Perhaps you didn't read the ReleaseNotes where I indicate that SQLite3 in my
tests was 4 to 10 times slower than SQLite 2.
Also, don't forget that notebook HDs (2.5") are usually a lot slower
than than desktop or even server disks... and in backing up the same
machine, you use the slow disk three times: reading, writing, database.
Now, I don't have disk performance comparisons between an iBook and a
more typical server setup, but I'd bet that the iBook is really slow in
about 650 kB/s is what I get storing the (dumped) catalog database on my
backupserver - the server is slower than your iBook, but still this is
what the tape drive can handle - but this server only does the backups,
the catalog is on another machine, and there are no other processes
using lots of memory or bus throughput.
In short: Try it with a setup which resembles your planned use of
bacula, and with some consideration you will get good results.
IT-Service Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann http://www.its-lehmann.de
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