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Yeaah !!! This is a problem!
Then on my script to start bacula, I unset the environment variable with
  the command "unset LANG" before start bacula.

On version 1.36.30, this is not happens.

Thank you Philip and Kern for your help.

Include my name for bacula test list users :-)

- --
Jeronimo Zucco
LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certified
NĂșcleo de Processamento de Dados
Universidade de Caxias do Sul

"May the Source be with you." - An unknown jedi programmer.


Jeronimo Zucco wrote:
>       When I save the e-mail, the date are correct, but the e-mail I receive,
> become with date 10/28/47... Then the server translate to 12/31/69 (unix
> zero date).
>       Any configuration to bacula to recognize another formats of date?
>       I use on server Fedora 4 with the environment variable
> LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8. In my country, the format of date is DD/MM/YY, not
>       I think this is the problem. I will try to unset the environment
> variable and test, then I will report to you.
> Thanks,
> --
> Jeronimo Zucco
> LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certified
> NĂșcleo de Processamento de Dados
> Universidade de Caxias do Sul
> "May the Source be with you." - An unknown jedi programmer.
> http://jczucco.blogspot.com
> Phil Stracchino wrote:
>>>Jeronimo Zucco wrote:
>>>>Hi Phil.
>>>>Here is an e-mail for example. I not put the message on the list for
>>>>obvius reasons.
>>>I must be missing something.  I don't see any incorrect dates in this.
>>>They all look correct.

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