
I have a [EMAIL PROTECTED] FreeBSD machine with a DDS3 Streamer attached to it. 
The streamer does about 1MB/s, when I use Bacula I can monitor the machine and 
streamer usage using "systat -vm", when I do that I see that nothing is running 
at full steam, the streamer does about 0.8 MB/s, the CPU is at 80% usage, the 
harddisk is 5-20% usage. Of course this varies over time, but these values are 
pretty typical. I was wondering if I could optimize the usage to minimize the 
backup times. I was very happy to see that Bacula supports spooling at first, 
but I was kinda set back when I saw that spooling and despooling is done 
sequentially not in parallel. I had already set up a mfs based /tmp (128MB) to 
have Bacula spool to RAM (which the machine has plenty of), and CPU usage was 
indeed 100% as I had expected. Of course the CPU was basically unutilized when 
it came to unspooling the file.
I wonder if it would be difficult to modify Bacula to use two spool files 
instead of one, so that:
fd starts collecting files and creating the normal spool file,
as soon as it is ready and signals sd to unspool the file, it does not wait 
until sd has finished but continues to collect files but stores them in a 
second file, right next to the normal spool file,
as soon as sd has finished unspooling and fd spooling to the second file, the 
second file is renamed to the normal spool file and fd starts to collect for a 
new second file...
I think this way the backup time could be significantly reduced in cases such 
as this one.
Kind regards,

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