Kern Sibbald said:
> On Thursday 25 August 2005 23:38, Neil Schneider wrote:
>> Kern Sibbald said:
>> > Although BSD and other licenses are free for commercial users, I
>> > wouldn't say
>> > that is the case for GPL.  For a commercial software company as
>> > opposed to a
>> > service company, GPL is somewhat of a nightmare.  It is true they
>> > don't have
>> > to pay for it, but it comes at a heavy price -- all your software
>> that
>> > "touches" or "uses" GPL software must be GPL or otherwise Open
>> > Software as
>> > well.
>> Would you either restate this, or explain what you mean, because on
>> the face, this is patently false.
> You have just made a flat statement without any detail, and I am a bit
> tired
> of this subject, so I am not going to respond until I see some
> reasonable
> argument that indicated my error.  You have also cut out content
> leading to
> this statement that is important to understand it.

There are many examples of proprietary software that "touches" or
"uses" GPL software and is not GPL. I can name two off the top of my
head. Nvidia drivers and AccPac accounting are both non-GPL software
that "touches" GPL, meaning they run on Linux and are not required to
be GPL.

So, I stand on my statement, your declaration that software that
""touches" or "uses" GPL software must be GPL or otherwise Open
Software well." is patently false and mistates what the GPL says.

Neil Schneider                              pacneil_at_linuxgeek_dot_net
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