On Wednesday 24 August 2005 20:47, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> > Can someone explain to me the use of Use Any Volume? What I want is for
> > bacula to use the tape with the lowest ID that is writable. I definite
> > writable as any volume that is in a state that will allow it to be
> > written to (including a tape that contains data but whose retention time
> > has passed). I have 11 daily tapes, and after my full backup, I want
> > tape #1 to be used. However, Bacula often wants tape 10 or 11 as they
> > did not get used during the last cycle at all. If I want the drive to
> > take tape 1, I have to disable the higher numbered tapes.
> >
> > Is there a way to do what I want without scripting? It's not readily
> > apparent.
> Basically, what 'Use Any Volume = yes' means is that in the situation
> you've just described, bacula asks for tape 10 or 11, you give it tape 1
> instead, and -- so long as tape 1 is writeable -- Bacula will go ahead
> and use it instead of the tape it asked for.  If you set 'Use Any Volume
> = no', then Bacula will accept only the tape it has decided should be
> used next.

Yea, I didn't tell you that I modified Bacula to accept any valid Volume -- 
otherwise, it creates too many problems with Volumes already mounted, or 
where the "next" Volume is being used on another drive -- it isn't very nice 
to have an operator message pop up when there are plenty of volumes in the 

Best regards,



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