Kern Sibbald wrote:

Are there any comments on this proposal?

To be consistent, I would imagine we would need to include bconsole, wxconsole, and possibly a number of other files in /usr/bin as well. I can understand Daniel's point, but probably prefer to let the user move or link the file to where he wants.

That is always possible: I guess the original poster's point is about
the default location as managed by RPM or similar package managers.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [Bacula-devel] Proposal for location of gnome-console
Date: Thursday 11 August 2005 10:35
From: Daniel Bloemer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The gnome-console is located under /usr/sbin and is equipped with the
user rights 754. Since I usually do my daywork with a non-proviliged
user, I cannot start the console directly.

The difference between /usr/bin and /usr/sbin is not one of permissions,
since nothing prevents normal users from typing /usr/sbin/gnome-console,
but one of convention: /usr/sbin is intended for commands which are used
by the system administrator but are seldom of use for ordinary users.

Thus far, my experience was Bacula was about system-wide work so I
cannot really tell if gnome-console would be useful for ordinary users;
if it can or is intended to be able to function as a personal backup and
recovery tool, e.g. each user is going to be able to put his own stuff
to tape or at least get it back, by all means it belongs in /usr/bin.

A doubt springs to mind, however: would Bacula protect users from each
other, e.g. if there is a backup of stuff for user A, another for user
B, is user A prevented from restoring stuff belonging to user B or is
access to Bacula an all-or-nothing privilege ?

In the latter case, the tool is more of a system backup tool than a
personal backup tool and it belongs into /usr/sbin - and a personal
backup tool might be built on top of Bacula. The original poster would
have to handle bacula in the same way he handles, say, the usermod command.

Thank you for your consideration,
Davide Bolcioni

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