On Thursday 18 August 2005 21:54, Joshua Kugler wrote:
> On Thursday 18 August 2005 11:10, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > > 1. Backup up data as it changes.
> >
> > If I am not mistaken, this is part of fnctl() and the program is notified
> > by a signal.  The problem with implementing this at the moment is that
> > Bacula is job based, and things are only backed up by a running job.
> > Probably this could be changed, but what I would propose is that if this
> > interests someone, he simply create a job that reads a particular file.
> > The monitor program could then be separate from Bacula and when it wants
> > something backed up, it writes the filename to a file and starts a Bacula
> > job.  If this were something a lot of users used and wanted, it could be
> > more tightly integrated with Bacula later.
> This is possible, but I'd hate to have a job that backed up just one file
> at a time.  As I mentioned, I think it would take a lot less
> "rearchitecting" to create something that would be an "open ended" job.  In
> other words, the job starts, registers the files it's watching, and then
> sends those files to the sd every time they change.  Then once a certain
> size or elapsed time is reached, the sd would despool them.  A fun idea to
> think about at any rate.
> > > 2. Browser based recovery
> >
> > Anyway, perhaps php is a way we can get a graphical interface via the
> > web. If it is possible, php is something that is feasible as I don't mind
> > programming php. I know it can be done with Java, but I don't want to
> > program Java, so someone else will need to do it.
> So, if I'm understanding this correctly, the PHP script would connect to
> the dir (or pipe commands through the console), and the restore would
> initiate, with the sd writing to the client that restored the backup. 
> That's cool.

Yes, php would connect directly to the Director.  There would be no need to go 
through the console.

> > The Python Qt GUI console
> > is non-trivial because I haven't yet overcome the steep learning curve
> > with *both* Python and Qt.
> Sounds fun.
> j----- k-----

Best regards,



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