On Thursday 18 August 2005 12:01, Dr. Michael A. Mackey wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 11:54 -0800, Joshua Kugler wrote:
> > On Thursday 18 August 2005 11:10, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > > > 1. Backup up data as it changes.
> > >
> > > If I am not mistaken, this is part of fnctl() and the program is
> > > notified by a signal.  The problem with implementing this at the moment
> > > is that Bacula is job based, and things are only backed up by a running
> > > job. Probably this could be changed, but what I would propose is that
> > > if this interests someone, he simply create a job that reads a
> > > particular file. The monitor program could then be separate from Bacula
> > > and when it wants something backed up, it writes the filename to a file
> > > and starts a Bacula job.  If this were something a lot of users used
> > > and wanted, it could be more tightly integrated with Bacula later.
> Do we really need bacula to provide this level of fault-tolerance?  I
> use hardware disk-mirroring and get this without a performance hit.

Some may, some may not.  Hardware disk mirroring is great if your servers are 
completely "safe."  In my case, our backup servers will soon be moving 
off-site for additional safety.  In this case, backup-as-a-file-is-changed 
would be nice.  Should the building burn down in the middle of the day, the 
data has still been backed up.  Extreme case, yes, but a valid example.

j----- k-----

Joshua Kugler
CDE System Administrator

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