On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 17:59 +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Are there any comments on this proposal?
> To be consistent, I would imagine we would need to include bconsole, 
> wxconsole, and possibly a number of other files in /usr/bin as well.  I can 
> understand Daniel's point, but probably prefer to let the user move or link 
> the file to where he wants.
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: [Bacula-devel] Proposal for location of gnome-console
> Date: Thursday 11 August 2005 10:35
> From: Daniel Bloemer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> I am using bacula for a while now, and it works pretty fine.
> I have just upgraded from 1.36.1 tp 1.36.3 (SuSE-9.2-RPMs) and have
> stumbled (again) across a minor inconvenience:
> The gnome-console is located under /usr/sbin and is equipped with the
> user rights 754. Since I usually do my daywork with a non-proviliged
> user, I cannot start the console directly.
> Maybe it would be better if the gnome-console would be located in
> /usr/bin and is executable for any user. The user still needs the
> configuration containing the password for accessing the bacula-system.

I think this is a packaging issue, but not quite.  When creating a
vendor package, one has the ability to shuffle files around into what
makes sense for that particular distro.  However one thing that _has_
bothered me is that when running bconsole, it does not by default look
at /etc/bacula/ for a bconsole.conf file.  So when I run it I have to
manually point to the config file with -c.  Current directory is viewed
for a conf file, it just makes sense to me that the /etc/bacula/
directory would be checked too.  So perhaps this change could be
piggybacked on as well?

Jesse Keating
GameHouse -- Systems Engineer

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