On Wednesday 17 August 2005 12:38, Martin Simmons wrote:
>   Kern> captures errno. So errno can be destroyed after that point and
> be.strerror() Kern> will continue to produce correct results.
> Ah, of course I didn't see that because the code is in the header
> file...lovely C++ :-(.

Well, there are a few nice things about C++, but I try to limit how far I go.

>   Kern>                                            For Win32 that may not
> be strictly Kern> correct as there is no errno, so GetLastError() is used. 
> As long as there is Kern> not a second error in between time, there should
> be no problem (at least that Kern> is the theory).
> Perhaps it would be better if the Win32 berrno constructor called
> GetLastError() instead of delaying it until strerror?

Yes, I was thinking the same thing.  I've taken note, and I'll look at what 
can be done ...  

Best regards,



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