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LHERBIER Lois wrote:
> And the "SpoolData = yes" in the job directive.
> Do not forget to have the spool directory writable for the bacula-sd
> process or your backup will fail.

Thanks for the response. It's spooling now, but concurrent jobs
aren't yet working. Getting closer, though!

I have "Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4" set in my director conf in the
Director, JobDefs and Job resources. I have one tape drive
(autochanger), so I left it out of the Device resource to limit that
to 1, but with spooling that shouldn't make Bacula run one job at a
time, correct? According to the manual all I should need to do is set
it in the Director resource in the director config, if I understand
that correctly. I have a different Job for each client, so I don't
think I need to specify it in the Client resources.

Director {
   Name = backup-dir
   DIRport = 9101
   QueryFile = "/usr/local/share/bacula/query.sql"
   WorkingDirectory = "/var/db/bacula"
   PidDirectory = "/var/run"
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
   Password = "..."
   Messages = Daemon
JobDefs {
   Name = "Daily Backup"
   Type = Backup
   WriteBootstrap = "/var/db/bacula/${Client}.bsr"
   Priority = 1
   Messages = Standard
   FileSet = "Full System"
   Schedule = "Daily Backup"
   Storage = "EXABYTE VXA AutoPak 1x10 E33a"
   Pool = Daily
   Full Backup Pool = Weekly
   Level = Differential
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
   Spool Data = yes
Storage {
   Name = "EXABYTE VXA AutoPak 1x10 E33a"
   Media Type = "ECRIX VXA-1 2B7B"
   Address =
   SDPort = 9103
   Password = "..."
   Device = "EXABYTE VXA AutoPak 1x10 E33a"
   Autochanger = yes
Job {
   Client = "host.domain.tld"
   Name = "host Daily Backup"
   JobDefs = "Daily Backup"
   Spool Data = yes
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
Client {
   Name = "host.domain.tld"
   Address = host.domain.tld
   Catalog = MyCatalog
   Password = "..."

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