Dear Kern,

Thanks for this, I'll get the test version patched sometime in the next 2-3 

Best Regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 August 2005 17:56
To: Brett Delle Grazie
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Backup / Restore of DB2 Databases using

On Monday 15 August 2005 17:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear Kern,
> I'm inclined to agree with Phil & Thomas and your own comments.
> Since the FileSet we use includes the 'readfifo' option, why not:
> never overwrite an existing fifo if this option is set on a restore
> operation?

You might try applying the attached patch file to version 1.36.3 (possibly

  cd <bacula-source>
  patch -p0 <raw.patch

> It then becomes the Run before client's job to create this fifo with the
> appropriate permissions such that bacula and the pipe reader software can
> utilise it.
> Best Regards,
> Brett Delle Grazie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 13 August 2005 13:40
> To:
> Cc: Phil Stracchino; Thomas E. Ruth; Brett Delle Grazie; bacula-devel
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Backup / Restore of DB2 Databases using
> Fifo's
> Hello Phil,
> On Friday 12 August 2005 20:52, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> > Thomas E. Ruth wrote:
> > > I havn't been able to automate a restore completely within bacula for
> > > DB2 databases, but I've gotten close.  The bacula restore process
> > > creates a FIFO with only root permissions but doesn't change the
> > > permissions of the actual fifo file until data starts restoring to it.
> > > At that time though, it's too late for the DB2 process (I think the
> > > file is actually deleted and re-created and the DB2 process loses it's
> > > handle on it).
> >
> > After thinking about what's going on here, I think this is a behavioral
> > error on Bacula's part.  I suspect that *by default*, Bacula should
> > never overwrite a FIFO that already exists during a restore.  If it's
> > not there, fine, restore it; if it's already there, LEAVE IT ALONE, we
> > don't want to break anything.  Write any data to it that's supposed to
> > be written to it, sure, but if we delete and recreate the FIFO, we may
> > break things -- as in this example.
> I think you are on to something here.
> Originally, Bacula did not "touch" the directory entry for a file that
> existed, but I forget exactly why, but I was convinced to delete each file
> before restoring it. I had forgotten this until it came up with some work
> that Thorsten is doing.  Deleting files before recreating them, has, in
> general, improved restoration.  However, it appears that in this case, it
> breaks the ability to use a FIFO to restore a file as Tom wants to do.
> In general, I don't like things that are not symmetric or uniform -- i.e.
> why delete most files but not FIFOs before re-creating them?  I need to
> think about this for a bit and look at the code ...
> > This probably applies to socket pseudo-nodes as well, assuming we even
> > restore those at all (which I still believe we shouldn't).

Best regards,



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