>>>>> On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:54:19 +0000 (UTC), "Mick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  Mick> Martin Simmons wrote:

  >> I suggest you post your session output so we can see what options you
  >> are choosing and what the error message is.

  Mick> I have to correct my problem description:

  Mick> I can restore a directory even if it is empty. It is necessary to
  Mick> conclude the path with a "/". Then the directory is restored, but not
  Mick> its content. How can I restore a complete branch?

  Mick> Is there a possibility to tell Bacula to restore recursively from a
  Mick> given point in the backuped file system tree?

It looks like you can't do this with option 7.  You have to use option 5
(Select the most recent backup for a client) and the cd and mark commands to
select the directory.

Bacula 1.37 beta has an extra option in restore to take a whole directory (but
not its subdirs for some reason).


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