On Sat, 13 Aug 2005, Philipp Steinkrueger wrote:

yes, that would be enough to meet my needs, but it would have a big disadvantage
over my scheme, because duplicating media would take _hours_. we calculated,
that for our current data to be fully backuped, it would take more than 10 hours.

It takes 5 days for a fullback of all storage here and that's just set to double as I bring another 13Tb online.

If your backups are not fast enough, get denser/faster media (SAIT2 or LTO3) and make sure you have your disk spooling optimised (it makes a huge difference for differentials and incrementals)

Personally, if faced with the situation you have I'd run one full backup/diff/incremental job to tape and one to disk volumes.

Yes it's a doubleup, but it's the least manual intervention needed. The
tapes can be then taken offsite after being recorded.


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