I can't seem to get bacula to do a full backup on a FreeBSD 5.4 server with
bacula 1.36.3, using a quantum SDLT-II 300/600 GB drive.
The drive when tested with btape passes all the tests fine.
I have the device configured as:
Device {
Name = SDLT-II
Description = "SDLT-II for FreeBSD"
Media Type = SDLT-II
Archive Device = /dev/nsa0
AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it
AlwaysOpen = yes
Offline On Unmount = yes
Hardware End of Medium = no
BSF at EOM = yes
Backward Space Record = no
Backward Space File = no
Fast Forward Space File = no
TWO EOF = yes
This is a single internal drive with no changer. The drive works with tar
and there's about 100 GB of data that should backup, and does fine with
tar. When I try to use bacula it stops at about 250MB.
I want bacula to, if possible, auto-label the tapes and auto-overwrite the
entire tape.
Are there some settings I have to make to tell bacula the tape size? I
would think it would get that from the drive itself.
What settings do I need to change to have it do a full backup on the tape,
overwriting anything on the tape?
If these questions are in the docs, please point me to them. I have poured
over the user guide, but have been trying for a week to get this to work.
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