Am Montag, 8. August 2005 18:21 schrieb Chris Lee:
> That's correct.  If you specify "Always Open = no" and "Offline On Unmount
> = yes" then every time bacula wants to write to the tape it will rewind
> first.
> Thanks,
> Chris

This is the device configuration for the storage daemon.
So 'Always Open' is on.
But I'll try to use Always Open = no.
This way Bacula should rewind and reposition the tape just before writing.
So there shouldn't be any chance for the drive to rewind without bacula
knowing about it.

It's not the rewinding bothering me, but the rewinding without baculas 
knowledge and the subsequent overwrite of the tape label.

Device {
  Name = LTO
  Media Type = LTO
  Archive Device = /dev/scsi/nsth1-c800c0i6l0
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
 Changer Device = /dev/scsi/sgh1-c800c0i5l0
 AutoChanger = yes
 Maximum Spool Size = 38654705664;
 Spool Directory = /opt/bacula-spool

For last night I relabelled the tapes and started the longest backup run 
08-Aug 16:04 epistaxis-dir: Start Backup JobId 61, 
08-Aug 16:04 epistaxis-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
08-Aug 16:04 epistaxis-sd: 3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result is Slot 8.
08-Aug 16:04 epistaxis-sd: Recycled volume "FULL_01" on device 
"/dev/scsi/nsth1-c800c0i6l0", all previous data lost.
08-Aug 16:04 epistaxis-sd: Spooling data ...
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-sd: User specified spool size reached.
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-sd: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling 
38,654,713,202 bytes ...
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-sd: Troglodyte.2005-08-08_16.04.22 Error: block.c:552 
Write error at 0:2 on device /dev/scsi/nsth1-c800c0i6l0. ERR=Input/output error.
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-sd: Troglodyte.2005-08-08_16.04.22 Error: Backspace 
record at EOT failed. ERR=Input/output error
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-sd: End of medium on Volume "FULL_01" Bytes=64,513 
Blocks=1 at 08-Aug-2005 17:43.
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-dir: Recycled volume "FULL_03"
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-sd: 3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result is Slot 8.
08-Aug 17:43 epistaxis-sd: 3303 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 8, drive 0" 
08-Aug 17:44 epistaxis-sd: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0" 
08-Aug 17:45 epistaxis-sd: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0", status is 
08-Aug 17:45 epistaxis-sd: Recycled volume "FULL_03" on device 
"/dev/scsi/nsth1-c800c0i6l0", all previous data lost.
08-Aug 17:45 epistaxis-sd: New volume "FULL_03" mounted on device 
/dev/scsi/nsth1-c800c0i6l0 at 08-Aug-2005 17:45.
08-Aug 18:36 epistaxis-sd: Spooling data again ...

Bacula recycled the next best volume. Reads the label and positions the tape.
1h45m it writes to the tape and fails. Label is again overwritten.

CU Sven

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