
i am getting this error message when i try to label my
tapes. i am using barcodes, so i executed:

label barcodes slots=18,19

and this happens:

Sending label command for Volume "OOIS02L1" Slot 18 ...
3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 18, drive 0" command.
3305 Autochanger "load slot 18, drive 0", status is OK.
-----> block.c:782 Read error at file:blk 0:0 on device /dev/tape. ERR=Input/output error. 3000 OK label. Volume=OOIS02L1 Device=/dev/tape
Catalog record for Volume "OOIS02L1", Slot 18  successfully created.

As far as i can tell the volume is prelabeled correctly. the regular
schedule uses tapes labeled like this and labels them finally
during first touch... But what does the error message mean
then ?

Thanks for you answers,

PS: May i point you to my other question on backup concepts, sent to the list
on the 4th ? :-))

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