Rico wrote:
LHERBIER Lois wrote:
Hello everybody,
we replaced our old ARCServe with Bacula 2 weeks ago and everything is
running fine. For my first post here I really want to thank the
developpers because it is a pleasure to work with Bacula !
I post here my question because I didn't find anything in the previous
posts or in the documentation.
I use Bacula 1.36.2-2sarge1 Debian package (a "false" 1.36.2 as there is
many patches of the 1.36.3 included :o) )
I use the "classical" Daily(8), Weekly(4), Monthly(12) pools for the
backup rotation. Until now all the tapes were blank for the backup, but
now I begin reusing the daily tapes.
My daily backup start at 1am so I load the good tape the evening before.
At 1 am :
-If it is a new tape (never used) the jobs starts with no problems; it
mounts the tape automatically and use it.
-If the tape is used (but ready to be reused); the job start, Bacula say
"cannot find any appendable volume", Bacula purge the volumes (the tape
is now good to be used) and, even if AutomaticMount=yes, Bacula request
mounting the tape. The job don't start until I mount the tape (the tape
is already in the taper).
So if Bacula need to recycle the tape, AutomaticMount don't work anymore.
As I don't know if I am clear enough :o) This is my configuration :
# 8 tapes (2 weeks of working days)
Pool {
Name = Daily
Pool Type = Backup
Volume Retention = 13 days
Volume Use Duration = 19 h # 1 tape/day
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Schedule {
Name = "ServerMonthlyCycle"
Run = Level=Full Pool=Monthly 1st mon at 1:00
Run = Level=Full Pool=Weekly 2nd-5th mon at 1:00
Run = Level=Differential Pool=Daily tue-fri at 1:00
Device {
Name = HP_DAT72
Media Type = DDS-72
Archive Device = /dev/nst0
AutomaticMount = yes;
AlwaysOpen = yes;
RemovableMedia = yes;
RandomAccess = no;
VolumePollInterval = 60
OfflineOnUnmount = yes
CloseOnPoll = yes
Maximum Spool Size = 15gb
Maximum Job Spool Size = 10gb
Spool Directory = /srv/bacula/spool/HP_DAT72
# the tape D03 is in the taper when the backup start at 1am
04-Aug 01:00 hunter-dir: Start Backup JobId 217,
04-Aug 01:01 arapaho-fd: DIR and FD clocks differ by 76 seconds, FD
automatically adjusting.
04-Aug 01:00 hunter-dir: Max configured use duration exceeded. Marking
Volume "D02" as Used.
# this is good as I use 1 volume / day
04-Aug 01:02 hunter-dir: Pruned 8 Jobs on Volume "D03" from catalog.
04-Aug 01:02 hunter-dir: Pruned 1 Job on Volume "D04" from catalog.
04-Aug 01:02 hunter-sd: Job std-arapaho.2005-08-04_01.00.00 waiting.
Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:
Storage: HP_DAT72
Media type: DDS-72
Pool: Daily
04-Aug 01:03 hunter-dir: Recycled volume "D03"
04-Aug 02:02 hunter-sd: Please mount Volume "D03" on Storage Device
"HP_DAT72" for Job std-arapaho.2005-08-04_01.00.00
Use "mount" command to release Job.
# here is the problem: the tape is recycled and is in the taper but
Bacula doesn't mount the tape
04-Aug 04:03 hunter-sd: Please mount Volume "D03" on Storage Device
"HP_DAT72" for Job std-arapaho.2005-08-04_01.00.00
Use "mount" command to release Job.
# here I use the 'mount' command with bconsole
04-Aug 08:00 hunter-sd: std-arapaho.2005-08-04_01.00.00 Warning:
Couldn't rewind device /dev/nst0 ERR=dev.c:406 Rewind error on
/dev/nst0. ERR=No medium found.
# I don't know what is this error but it is working :oP (Maybe because I
use 'release' instead of 'umount' to eject the previous tape ?)
04-Aug 08:00 hunter-sd: Please mount Volume "D03" on Storage Device
"HP_DAT72" for Job std-arapaho.2005-08-04_01.00.00
04-Aug 08:01 hunter-sd: Recycled volume "D03" on device "/dev/nst0", all
previous data lost.
04-Aug 08:01 hunter-sd: Spooling data ...
Do you have any ideas or suggestion to solve my problem ?
Thank you.
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September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Bacula-users mailing list
looks like the same problem i have. search the archive for topic "volume
recycling" from the last days. i dont have any solution yet, except
purge the volume manual before the backup :(
01-Aug 22:03 pe2800oracle-dir: Start Backup JobId 487,
01-Aug 22:13 pe2800oracle-dir: Pruned 5 Jobs on Volume "montag2" from
01-Aug 22:13 pe2800oracle-sd: Job thepig.2005-08-01_20.00.01 waiting.
Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:
Storage: LTO Ultrium 2
Media type: LTO-G2
Pool: Default
01-Aug 23:13 pe2800oracle-dir: Recycled volume "montag2"
01-Aug 23:13 pe2800oracle-sd: Please mount Volume "montag2" on Storage
Device "LTO Ultrium 2" for Job thepig.2005-08-01_20.00.01
Use "mount" command to release Job.
02-Aug 01:13 pe2800oracle-sd: Please mount Volume "montag2" on Storage
Device "LTO Ultrium 2" for Job thepig.2005-08-01_20.00.01
Use "mount" command to release Job.
02-Aug 05:13 pe2800oracle-sd: Please mount Volume "montag2" on Storage
Device "LTO Ultrium 2" for Job thepig.2005-08-01_20.00.01
Use "mount" command to release Job.
I have one that seems to be related to this (though I may just be
missing something here). Mine's a lot worse, as I never managed to get
it to use the tape. Observe my logs:
04-Aug 00:00 helios-sd: Please mount Volume "Delta_0011" on Storage
Device "helios_DDS" for Job NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.
04-Aug 00:45 helios-dir: Recycled current volume "Delta_0001"
04-Aug 00:45 helios-sd: Recycled volume "Delta_0001" on device
"/dev/rmt/0cbn", all previous data lost.
04-Aug 00:45 helios-sd: User defined maximum volume capacity 425
exceeded on device /dev/rmt/0cbn.
04-Aug 00:45 helios-sd: End of medium on Volume "Delta_0001" Bytes=1
Blocks=0 at 04-Aug-2005 00:45.
04-Aug 00:45 helios-sd: Please mount Volume "Delta_0011" on Storage
Device "helios_DDS" for Job NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.
04-Aug 00:47 helios-dir: Max Volume jobs exceeded. Marking Volume
"Delta_0001" as Used.
04-Aug 00:47 helios-sd: NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.01 Warning:
Director wanted Volume "Delta_0011".
Current Volume "Delta_0001" not acceptable because:
1998 Volume "Delta_0001" status is Used, but should be Append,
Purged or Recycle.
04-Aug 00:47 helios-sd: Please mount Volume "Delta_0011" on Storage
Device "helios_DDS" for Job NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.
04-Aug 00:48 helios-dir: Recycled current volume "Delta_0001"
04-Aug 00:48 helios-sd: Recycled volume "Delta_0001" on device
"/dev/rmt/0cbn", all previous data lost.
04-Aug 00:48 helios-sd: New volume "Delta_0001" mounted on device
/dev/rmt/0cbn at 04-Aug-2005 00:48.
04-Aug 00:48 helios-sd: User defined maximum volume capacity 425
exceeded on device /dev/rmt/0cbn.
04-Aug 00:48 helios-dir: Max Volume jobs exceeded. Marking Volume
"Delta_0001" as Used.
04-Aug 00:37 catalyst-fd: NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.01 Fatal error:
backup.c:477 Network send error 32768 to SD. ERR=Broke
n pipe
04-Aug 00:49 helios-dir: NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.01 Warning: Error
updating job record. sql_update.c:166 Update problem:
04-Aug 00:49 helios-dir: NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.01 Warning: Error
getting job record for stats: sql_get.c:282 No Job fo
und for JobId 92
04-Aug 00:49 helios-dir: NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.01 Error: Bacula
1.36.3 (22Apr05): 04-Aug-2005 00:49:42
JobId: 92
Job: NJMSCatalyst.2005-08-03_23.00.01
Backup Level: Differential, since=2005-08-02 21:00:02
Client: catalyst-fd
FileSet: "NJMS Catalyst" 2005-07-19 14:03:27
Pool: "catalyst_DELTA"
Storage: "helios_DDS"
Start time: 03-Aug-2005 23:00:03
End time: 04-Aug-2005 00:49:42
FD Files Written: 6
SD Files Written: 6
FD Bytes Written: 133,463
SD Bytes Written: 35,778
Rate: 0.0 KB/s
Software Compression: 19.7 %
Volume name(s):
Volume Session Id: 11
Volume Session Time: 1121870686
Last Volume Bytes: 1
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: Error
SD termination status: Error
Termination: *** Backup Error ***
...any idea what is going on here? Why did the tape set its size to 425?
That's how big the last backup written to it was, but the native size of
this tape is 12,000,000,000! What I had done in the meantime (why it
suddenly was OK with using Delta_0001 instead of 11 was I purged the tape).
SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA
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