Hi !

I`m in the process of creating a initial bacula configuration for our site and i want to check that i understood everything correctly.

For each Client that gets backed up i need:
bacula-client installed & configured on the client
client definition in bacula-dir.conf (unique for each client)
fileset definition in bacula-dir.con (maybe some clients share a fileset if the partition-layout matches)
job definition in bacula-dir.conf (a job can only have one client)

Now i could have one pool for each client, several pools that clients share or one pool that all clients share. Same goes for the Schedule-definitions, right ?

What happens if i specifiy a schedule to run at 01:00 every day and more than one job directive points to that schedule ? Either the director executes the jobs in a random order or i specify a priority in the job and the director sorts them according to that ?

When backing up to disk - are there performance problems with concurrent jobs ? I can understand that messes up a tape-volume but does that count for disk-backup too ? Would it be advisable to enable data-spooling in this case ? When backing up 30 clients doing one after the other is out of the question because two of those clients (fileservers) need about 10 hours each for their backup (with amanda & compression). With amanda i am running up to 20 simultaneous jobs with most of the time spent with 6-10 concurrent jobs.

I will probably only have two pools (one for fullbackup, one for incrementals) configured, each pointing at a 1 TB Array. But i have not made up my mind considering the pools but since they are only going to disk i got the impression that it will be sufficient to create one pool per storage device, is that correct ?

I also plan to "backup" the backup-files to tape - Is it correct that i could just configure a tape-backup job with a fileset that points to the storage location where the pools with their volumes reside ? How would i go about restoring those files in case of a total loss ? (At the moment we got 3 rotating tape-sets and one is always kept offsite in case the company building vanishes or something ;) ). Or is there a better solution to this ? (Getting the on-disk backups to tape that is).

Lots of questions :-)

Best Regards,
Daniel Holtkamp                    Riege Software International GmbH
System Administration                                   Mollsfeld 10
40670 Meerbusch, Germany                     Phone: +49-2159-9148-41
mail: holtkamp [at] riege.com                Fax:   +49-2159-9148-11

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