I recently ran a backup job that spanned 4 tapes
(DLT-IV) and since this is one of the first backups on
this system  (x86_64) I renamed the source directory
and tried to do a complete restore to verify that my
data is safe. When I ran the restore the job stopped
at the end of the first tape stating that there were
no more volumes to restore and the last file was the
wrong size. What am I doing wrong? I was running
bacula 1.34.6 to back up the data but this version
would not restore it at all (all output files were
zero bytes) so switched to version 1.36.3. Which I ran
this restore job.

Here is the last few lines from the gnome console:

02-Aug 20:35 dicom-sd: End of Volume at file 52 on
device /dev/st0, Volume "TMImages-0000"
02-Aug 20:35 dicom-sd:
TMImagesRestore.2005-08-02_16.37.46 Warning: Wrong
Volume mounted on device /dev/st0: Wanted
TMImages-0001 have TMImages-0000
02-Aug 20:35 dicom-dir:
TMImagesRestore.2005-08-02_16.37.46 Fatal error:
sql_get.c:823 sql_get.c:823 query SELECT
FROM Media WHERE VolumeName='TMImages-0001' failed:
ERROR:  column "endfile" does not exist

02-Aug 20:35 dicom-sd:
TMImagesRestore.2005-08-02_16.37.46 Warning:
acquire.c:192 Error getting Volume info: 1997 Volume
"TMImages-0001" not in catalog.

02-Aug 20:35 dicom-sd: End of all volumes.
02-Aug 20:35 dicom-fd:
TMImagesRestore.2005-08-02_16.37.46 Error:
attribs.c:339 File size of restored file
not correct. Original 32559616, restored 23986176.
02-Aug 20:35 dicom-dir:
TMImagesRestore.2005-08-02_16.37.46 Error: Bacula
1.36.3 (22Apr05): 02-Aug-2005 20:35:44
  JobId:                  719
  Client:                 dicom-fd
  Start time:             02-Aug-2005 16:37:49
  End time:               02-Aug-2005 20:35:44
  Files Expected:         9,315
  Files Restored:         4,524
  Bytes Restored:         51,707,737,523
  Rate:                   3622.3 KB/s
  FD Errors:              1
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Restore Error ***

02-Aug 20:35 dicom-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog:
bsmtp: bsmtp.c:276 Fatal connect error to localhost:
ERR=Connection refused
02-Aug 20:35 dicom-dir:
TMImagesRestore.2005-08-02_16.37.46 Error:
message.c:473 Mail program terminated in error.
CMD=/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s "Bacula: Restore Fatal Error of
dicom-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ERR=Child exited with code 1

Could this be a result of a bad upgrade of the
database? When I ran the upgrade script it said that
it ran seccusfully, however there were warnings that
user bacula was not the data base owner. I am using a
postgresql database on a second linux box. 

Thanks in Advance,
John M. Drescher

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