
I have created the following job:

Job {
  Name = "StandardSicherung"
  Client = ercws207-fd
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full # oder Differential, wird beim Sichern aufgerufen
  FileSet = StandardFileSet
  Pool = MonatsBaender # oder TagesBaender, wird beim Sichern aufgerufen
  #Storage = "DAT3Laufwerk"
  Storage = File
  # aktivieren, wenn Sicherung auf Band
  Spool Data = no
  # verhindern, dass Job, mit dem was nicht stimmt, mit nächsten in Konflikt 
  Max Wait Time = 1h
  Max Run Time = 5h
  Messages = Standard
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/StandardSicherung.bsr"
  # Jetzt noch den Katalog sichern
  Run After Job = "/usr/local/sbin/run_bacula.sh catalog %l"

The job will be started manually with an external script. On a normal
workday differential backups are made with pool TagesBaender. On the
last workday of a month differenatial backups are made with pool
Monatsbaender. Note that the last day of a month is not necessarily a
working day.

How can I determine which backup tape bacula is going to use for the
next full and differential backup job for the two pools? I looked in the
manual but didn't find anything.


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