
Xavier Romero wrote:

We had power failure on our backup box and since it was restarted and bacula set up again, bacula is logging that stuff on working/log file (and mailing that at one mail per line rate): .... 29-Jun 19:30 backups-dir: ERROR in authenticate.c:187 UA Hello from client: is invalid. Len=0

Something connects to the director. IIRC, bacula had some problems displaying IP addresses, somehow IPv4 and IPv6 display were mixed up or something...

You could try and use ethereal or tcpdump to watch the connections to the director and see their source IP.

Even if you can't identify the system responsible with the IP you could feed it to nmap and have that do a OS guess, or check your firewall, or whatever is necessary... I'd assume that the backup server got a new IP address and something in your network remembers that IP to belong to something different.

I had something similar with a nagios check with a mistyped password. Gave lots of mail - from bacula, and from the monitoring system. :-)


Xavier Romero
Departament tècnic

NEXICA. Oficines i Internet Data Center: Ausiàs Marc, 117-119, local 1 . 08013 BARCELONA. Tel. 93 265 44 66 - Fax 93 265 90 31

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