
First off. Thank you for a fantastic backup solution.
Secondly, sorry for the long post.

The bacula configuration runs perfectly at his client's site,
backing up about 15 clients. Flawlessly.

Yesterday I included a new client into the backup that is a
AMD system that runs  NVidia based gigabit NIC.
This system has no trouble receiving DHCP, drops no packets and communicates
to the rest of the network perfectly.

Here is my problem.

The backup fails (mostly early into the backup) everytime with the errors
I have thought that it must be that onboard NIC because if I install a
based NIC it works perfectly.

The board was swopped but the problem persists.

Error status is received:

27-Jun-2005 10:04 backer-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
27-Jun-2005 10:04 backer-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found. Doing
FULL backup.
27-Jun-2005 10:04 backer-dir: Start Backup JobId 4932,
27-Jun-2005 10:04 backer-sd: Volume "octanedocsfull_0001" previously
written, moving to end of data.
27-Jun-2005 10:05 octane-fd: OctaneDocs.2005-06-27_10.04.47 Fatal error:
..\filed\../../filed/backup.c:498 Network send error to SD. ERR=An existing
connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
27-Jun-2005 10:05 backer-dir: OctaneDocs.2005-06-27_10.04.47 Error: Bacula
1.36.0 (20Oct04): 27-Jun-2005 10:05

And another time:

27-Jun-2005 11:11 backer-dir: Start Backup JobId 4933,
27-Jun-2005 11:12 octane-fd: OctaneDocs.2005-06-27_11.11.41 Fatal error:
..\filed\../../filed/backup.c:472 Network send error 77 to SD. ERR=An
existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
27-Jun-2005 11:12 backer-dir: OctaneDocs.2005-06-27_11.11.41 Error: Bacula
1.36.0 (20Oct04): 27-Jun-2005 11:12

What I have also noticed is that the status on the SD reports that it is
still busy and occupies the attention of the SD.
This makes subsequent backups to this device fail. If the SD is restarted
and a different job is run it is perfect.

backer-sd Version: 1.36.0 (20 October 2004) i686-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 27-Jun-05 11:13, 0 Jobs run since started.

Running Jobs:
Full Backup job OctaneDocs JobId=4934 Volume="octanedocsfull_0001"
    Files=4 Bytes=835 Bytes/sec=15
    FDReadSeqNo=31 in_msg=22 out_msg=5 fd=6

Device status:
Device "/arch/backup/full/docs" is mounted with Volume "octanedocsfull_0001"
    Total Bytes=1 Blocks=0 Bytes/block=1
    Positioned at File=0 Block=0
Device "/arch/backup/full/mail" is not open.

Please point me in the right direction.

Yours sincerely

Stephan Heine
Support Engineer
Genetic Interactive
Tel: +27 861 99 88 99
Fax: +27 861 99 77 99
Cell: +27 82 467 1164

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