Hi all,

I have a Sun StorEdge L7 tape library that basically has a DLT8000 drive in 
I have the following Device directive in bacula-sd.conf:

Device {
  Name = "StorEdge L7 DLT8000"
  Archive Device = /dev/rmt/1mbn
  Media Type = "DLT8000"
  Autochanger = Yes
  OfflineOnUnmount = Yes
  ChangerDevice = /dev/scsi/changer/c2t1d0
  ChangerCommand = "/etc/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
  Always Open = Yes
  Removable media = Yes
  Spool Directory = /dumps

../btape test works, but the auto test fails with the following:

=== Autochanger test ===

3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded" command.
3991 Bad autochanger command: /etc/bacula/mtx-changer /dev/scsi/changer/c2t1d0 
loaded 1 /dev/rmt/1mbn 0
3991 result="/etc/bacula/mtx-changer: syntax error at line 45: `$' unexpected
": ERR=Child exited with code 2
You must correct this error or the Autochanger will not work.

Note that I have pointed MTX in /etc/bacula/mtx-changer to:


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