> I assume that the tape is still in the Default pool? Then you must 
> select that pool, also with the relable command.
> Moving tapes is done by updating volumes and selecting pool.
> Labeling writes a label onto them themand puts them in a pool.
> So, I assume you'd have to use relabel for the volume name and update 
> volume to set the new pool.

Aha. Now I get it. Relabel/move succeeded. Thanks.
>> I have one more dilemma, which is not due to any failures or faults. I 
>> have created separate backup jobs, schedules and pools for Monday - 
>> Thursday and the weekend. I want to do a full backup every weekend and 
>> differential backups Mon - Thu, and put the diffs on separate tapes 
>> associated with each of those weekdays. It looks to me like Bacula will 
>> look to see whether or not a full backup was made by the job and, if 
>> not, will do a full backup before doing a diff. Now, I've already done 
>> a full backup, but it was another job that did it. Is there any way to 
>> tell the jobs that run on Monday - Thursday to skip the full backup, 
>> since the weekend job does that, and just to the diff?
> Remember: Bacula can refer only to jobs that share the same job 
> definition when deciding to do full, diff or incremental backups.
> Once more: You have to put them all into one job definition, and the 
> schedule can decide which level to do.

Thanks again. I think I grasp that point but was looking for confirmation.

Personally, I would prefer defining two jobs only: a full backup for the 
weekend with its own pool and a daily differential to run Mon - Thu with its 
pool. Unless I misunderstand Bacula's tape management, that would mean that it 
would perform a full backup the first time it ran the daily job (this would 
fill one tape and part of another), then it would run diffs untill it filled 
the second tape. At that time it would ask for the next tape, run daily diffs 
intil that tape was full, then ask for another, and so on.

Problem is, my boss doesn't like the idea of letting a single tape stay in for 
weeks collecting daily diffs. If that tape goes bad, then all the data on it is 
lost. That's why we have always run daily jobs on their own tapes, rotating 
them every month (two sets: one for even-numbered months and one for odd). It's 
a lot of tapes, I know, but it's insurance. I suppose we could overcome this 
"problem" by setting the Maximum VolumeJobs to one, then recycling tapes on a 
weekly basis, forcing it to use a different tape every day. However, unless I 
misunderstand Bacula (a distinct possibility), it would repeatedly write to the 
beginning of the each tape, rather than appending jobs till the tape is full 
(which is what we want).

I suppose I can manage by letting Bacula perform a full for each of the four 
daily jobs, then purging and recycling tapes.

Tks n rgds,
Richard White CNE6
Network Engineer
Mason County, Washington

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