2005/6/24, Attila Fülöp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The problem is, the FreeBSD Port installs bconsole with
> 754 (rwxr-xr--) root:wheel and the director fails to execute
> it since it runs as user+group bacula. Same problem with
> bconsole.conf and (gnome|wx)-console.
> Is this a bacula "feature" or something the FreeBSD port
> maintainer did? I would think its reasonable to change both
> files to be owned by group bacula. I will contact the port
> maintainer in case it's his part.
> Alternatively, is there another way to achieve above
> functionality?

Don't know if above makes sense, and it doesn't seem to come from the
port configuration - however, usually you don't have access to the
tape drive as non-root anyway...
So, i think the best way to archive your expected results is to run
sudo in your scripts, e.g. make it

echo "mount CertanceDrive" | sudo /usr/local/sbin/bconsole -c
echo "umount CertanceDrive" | sudo /usr/local/sbin/bconsole -c

and configure your sudoers file accordingly.

Le deagh dhùraghd,

        Frank Altpeter

Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix.
I don't think that this is a coincidence.
        -- Anonymous

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