I want to relabel a tape that is now called "Daily_4", and is part of the 
Default pool. I have created pools Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and 
Weekly. This volume has never been written to, and it is marked "purged".

If I use the label command, tell Bacula to call it "Thursday" and put it into 
the Thursday pool, I am told that the volume is already labeled "Daily_4" and 
the command fails. If I use the relable command, select the Thursday pool and 
call the tape "Thursday", I am told "Media record for volume "Thursday" not 
found." Yet page 91 of the manual says that I should be able to relabel a 
volume if its status is Purged.

My problem is that I have already labeled a number of tapes, which went into 
the Default pool. I then created the additional pools and want to move tapes 
into them, which, as I understand, is done with the label or relabel commands.

I have one more dilemma, which is not due to any failures or faults. I have 
created separate backup jobs, schedules and pools for Monday - Thursday and the 
weekend. I want to do a full backup every weekend and differential backups Mon 
- Thu, and put the diffs on separate tapes associated with each of those 
weekdays. It looks to me like Bacula will look to see whether or not a full 
backup was made by the job and, if not, will do a full backup before doing a 
diff. Now, I've already done a full backup, but it was another job that did it. 
Is there any way to tell the jobs that run on Monday - Thursday to skip the 
full backup, since the weekend job does that, and just to the diff?

Tks n rgds,
Richard White CNE6
Network Engineer
Mason County, Washington

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