
In my case that hopefully wouldn't be too much of a problem -- Director
and SD on the same machine with local SCSI tape.

I like your idea of a CD boot, but it wouldn't allow me to make the
operation lights-out (I could script going to RL1, backup, and reboot to
RL3 -- I think :-).

But it was pointed out in a non-public email that the only open files
typically encountered are databases, and database native backup tools,
piped to bacula, could be the solution there without changing run levels
or otherwise mucking with the system.


-----Original Message-----
From: Arno Lehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 12:13 PM
To: Gary Kopp
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Single-user mode backups?


Gary Kopp wrote:

> Some Linux book I was reading suggested running generic (dump, tar, 
> whatever) DR backups in single-user mode to minimize open file issues.

Sure one way. The only problem is that in single-user mode you quite 
often can't access your backup media. Network? External harddrive? NFS 

> Do Bacula users see that as a worthwhile approach, or should I spend
> time thinking about more important things, like when will lunch be

If you find a way to allow single user mode to activate the network for 
bacula-fd, go ahead... in my opinion, the safer and better way is to use

an emergency CD (or any other medium, could even be network boot...) 
with full network access and the necessary drivers for all filesystems 
to save. Then start the static bacula-FD in a chrooted environment.

Seems more universal to me than playing with single user mode (if 
available at all) on all sorts of systems.


> --Gary

IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann        

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