On Thursday 23 June 2005 09:57, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Ross Boylan wrote:
> ...
> > That's very kind.  I have progressed enough so that I can see the
> > construct I used,
> >    ${blankv:-${seqno+}:p/4/0/r}
> > seems to be working.  (There are other problems, but I don't think
> > caused by this).
> Well, I played around a bit with variables... unfortunately, it's not
> possible to increment or decrement the internal variables. Afer
> inserting a variable in the director's configuration, and after rwading
> the manual, I understood Kerns examples and could get something similar
> myself.
> Which you know already :-)
> What problems are remaining?
> > I'm still a bit curious about variable assignment in general, though I
> > guess with .37 we'll be in a new world anyway.
> Yes, and after experimenting a bit I hope python will make this much
> simpler...

It seems terribly ironic that now that 1.37 is almost out, there is an 
important interest in variables.  Instead of writing something myself, I 
unfortunately took someone else's code, which is very complicated -- both the 
code and the way the variables are implemented.  They defy my ability to 
understand them once one tries to increment and do other things at the same 

Now is *really* the time for people to start trying Python -- there are still 
problems (a few memory leaks), and certainly much more to implement to make 
it really useful.  What I hope is to be able to provide a certain minimum set 
of features to be able to replace variables with version 1.37.  Then over 
time, I think we will be able to implement some really incredible things.

Things you can already do with Bacula/Python:
- Get control and hence replace RunBeforeJob and RunAfterJob
- Since you can test the status, you could also replace RunAfterFailedJob
- Create Volume names (much more sainly than with variables)
- Run a job
- Cancel a job
- Get control in a Python script at: JobStart, JobInit, JobRun, JobEnd, 
NewVolume (needed), Exit (Bacula).

What you cannot yet do is:
- Have access to the database
- Have access to/change counter variables
- Change job parameters (i.e. in JobStart change the level, priority, ...)
- Query what is running (other jobs)
- Query what is scheduled
- Get control when the Job Status changes

Best regards,



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