Ross Boylan wrote:
I restarted the sd demon, and it solved the problem. A few questions
appear below.
... I'm still at the experimental phase.
Speaking of which, when I finally stop mucking around, what's the best
way to cleanup. I see "delete" and "purge" commands. It's hard to
tell what the difference is. Perhaps delete on a volume just deletes
the volume, while purge clears the related file and job entries too?
I take it I also need to delete the actual files (the "volumes" on my
disk) to get rid of them.
Never really thought about it - after all, I seldomly see the need to
delete something from the database - but this sounds reasonable.
Of course, you might also decide to simply keep the database entries
until they "naturally" disappear.
I believe the standard advice is to rerun the database creation
scripts, but they are tied into the Debian package installation
procedures, so I'm reluctant to go that route.
You could also symply use the database console and delete all the table
entries and probably reset auto-incrementing counters.
And, of course, you could call the database preparation scripts
manually. they should be in baculas directory.
On the clients with stuck fd too, of course...
Usually, a reload (or reload from inside a console) is not a restart
This is the second answer that refers to reload from the console, but
I don't see any such command in the manual. Am I missing something?
Oops... right, nothing in the manual... Kern!!! :-)
But the console has:
release release <storage-name>
reload reload conf file
run run <job-name>
What I meant was a did the Debian-specific
/etc/init.d/bacula-dir force-reload
which I assume is sending a signal to the process.
It should send a HUP to he director.
To restart the sd I did
/etc/init.d/bacula-sd restart
only triggers reloading of the configuration (this works in the director
only!). Usually, the reload will be queued, because (my personal guess
without any real knowledge about the source) it might change important
data in running or queued jobs.
Hadn't thought of that....
I also hope that randomly restarting particular demons won't screw up
the other ones.
Usually it doesnt. Of course, it's not that I do that often, but when it
happened it was only a question of some timeout until all daemons
recognized that the work in progress was halted.
IT-Service Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann http://www.its-lehmann.de
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