We are attempting to set up a current release Bacula server on Fedora Core 3 (at current patch level) with mySQL, and running into a strange issue. We are building from source, per the documentation. The mySQL (ver 3.23) installs fine into /usr/local/mysql , and will start OK (with the addition of a mysql user in a mysql group, per the O'R book on running mySQL...), which gets us through Phase I. The configure of Bacula gives an error that it can't find mysql.h in /usr/ local/mysql. The file is there (at /usr/local/mysql/llib/mysql). I tied changing permission on the file in question to 777, then the whole directory, with no change. The configure directive correctly points to the location of the mySQL install. I even copied the file directly to the root of the mySQL directory, with no luck. I'm stumped!

Am I better off using the RPM installs for mySQL? I have seen that this is possible in the threads, picking the installation up at Phase II. If so, build Bacula per manual, or are there RPMs I should be looking for as well? If this is the case- is there any documentation for configuring when using RPMs instead of building from source?

Brad Harmon

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