> Rather than spend a lot of time loading a new version of Linux, why don't you
> simplify your build/install.  Having wx-console and the gnome-console working
> are not absolutely essential for getting Bacula up and running, so it seems
> to me wise to remove the build of wx-console and gnome-console.  Once you've
> figured out how Bacula works, then you could over time added these features.

> As Arno, I think, pointed out, the kludges you are doing to get things like
> the gnome-console to build will in the end cost you a lot of pain and agony.

This would be my approach. I guess I'm having trouble understanding my boss. 
After emphasizing several times in several ways his desire to have some sort of 
gui, asking if I had installed those features, he also declared that I should 
get it working in a simple way first, then impliment the gui.

So, I will press on with testing my configuration files. At present, Bacula is 
happy with my hardware. Btape reads and writes to the tape; Bacula starts with 
no errors. I am having difficulty getting the configuration files into a 
condition where they will cause Bacula to back files up to the tape, but I am 
making progress.

Tks n rgds,
Richard White CNE6
Network Engineer
Mason County, Washington

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