On 17 Jun 2005 at 0:02, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> Hello,
> This is just to let you know that as was previously discussed on this list, I
> have created a "gui" project in the Bacula Source Forge CVS repository. 
> At the moment, this project (or module) contains bacula-web 1.1 written by
> Juan Luis Francés and bimagemgr written by Scott Barninger.  Thanks to both of
> them for taking the time and effort to write web based programs that add
> functionality to Bacula.
> In case you have not heard about bacula-web, it is a web based program that
> provides information on the status of your Bacula jobs by reading the Catalog
> database. It includes a nice summary of what happened in the last 24 hours
> and some nice graphics. bacula-web is written in php, so needs a web server
> to run it.
> bimagemgr is also a web based program, but it is written in Perl. bimagemgr
> monitors Bacula disk Volumes that you intend to write to CDROM.  For more
> information, please see the Bacula manual where it is documented.

I just downloaded this and got it going.  I like it.  Pretty easy to
get running.  I especially like the test.php.  More PHP-based apps
should do this type of checking.

The only hitch on installing is that test.php did not detect my
DB.php after I installed it.  On FreeBSD, this file goes to
/usr/local/share/pear/DB.php.  A symlink solved that:

   ln -s /usr/local/share/pear/DB.php .

When running the app, I got this error:

[Thu Jun 16 19:10:33 2005] [error] PHP Notice:  Use of undefined
constant hostspec - assumed 'hostspec' in
/usr/websites/bacula.unixathome.org/classes.inc on line 44

Putting the constants into quotes helped:

  $this->dsn['hostspec'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,"DATABASE","host");

Now I'll describe a problem which I've solved.  I'm documenting it so
others know:

The main page (index.php) is blank.  I'm finding that it's dying
during this line:

   $dbSql = new Bweb();

I looked closer, and it's dying during part of the constuctor:

   $this->link =& $this->connect($this->dsn);

I know this because I added a die() call right after the above.  It
never gets executed.

Dumping the variables, I get:


>From bacula-dir.conf, in the Catalog resource, I have:

dbname = bacula; user = bacula; password = ""

So I'm not sure why this is dying.

Solution: Don't symlink.  Add something like this to php.ini:

include_path = "/usr/local/share/pear"

And remember to restart Apache.

When looking at /external_packages/phplot/examples/test_setup.php, I
noticed this:

"Use this form to test many different options of PHPlot. You can test
every graph type supported for any of four different data types. You
can tweak as you like or you can leave everything as is and press
"Submit" for"

But I don't have a form... or a submit button.  I wonder if something
is missed in the configuration.

NOTE: from the /test.php page, everything looks good.  No problems.

I had to create templates_c and chown it to www (which is what Apache
runs as on my box).

This I started getting these errors:

Jun 16 19:50:52 polo postgres[38380]: [11-1] ERROR:  function
unix_timestamp(timestamp without time zone) does not exist

I'll work on converting the SQL to something that can work with


Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/
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