argh, i make a mistake, its not 250GB, its 250MB (MegaByte!!!)
sorry, but it is still to big ...

On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 16:41:00 +0200
Bernhard Suttner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Bacula Users,
> i have installed the bacula backup system with one server and some clients 
> over a network. All programms works great, but i have a small problem: the 
> mysql database is _really_ big. I have nearly 55 GB of backup files and the 
> database grow up to nearly 250 GB. Is that usual? Do I need so a big 
> database, that I can have a bacula running without trouble?
> Thank you
> greets,
> Bernhard Suttner
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Bernhard Suttner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 ANDURAS service solutions AG
 Innstraße 71 - 94036 Passau - Germany
 Web: - Tel: +49 (0)851-4 90 50-0 - Fax: +49 (0)851-4 90 50-55

Rechtsform: Aktiengesellschaft - Sitz: Passau - Amtsgericht Passau HRB 6032
Mitglieder des Vorstands: Sven Anders, Marcus Junker, Michael Schön
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dipl. Kfm. Thomas Träger

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
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