Hi Everyone,

I'm a sort of returning bacula user. In the past I've used bacula with a single drive only, which wasn't much of a problem since the tape drive was a LTO2 and could easily fit my backup needs. Now I have a 2 drive system (just plain drives, no autoloader or anything) and much more data that can fit on a tape - currently I'm backing up ~150 Gb and getting about 65 Gb on a tape. I was wondering if it's possible to have bacula use both tape drives to complete a backup. This would let me get 2 tapes into the backup at which point it would hang until I could put in the the 3rd in final tape, and possibly a 4th if needed. From looking at the docs, I don't see that it's possible to specify to tape devices in the Job resource, or am I reading the docs wrong? Is it possible to do a "fake" autochanger setup to mimic this behavior?


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