
Fred Dirkse - OIC Group, Inc. wrote:
My question:
I have three pools defined (4 with default pool, but not using it).  I
am basically emulating the Full-pool, Diff-pool, and Inc-Pool setup as
defined in the Bacula docs.  I am currently backing up one machine to a
file device specifically for that machine, using the above pools.  I
would like to do this exact same thing for my other machines - each with
it's own file device, and the same configuration of Pools/Volumes.  That
being said, do I have to define a subset of identical pools for each
machine that I add, or can I use the same pools I have defined already
and just point each job/client to a different device?
That should be possible. I'm using a relatively similar setup, but with 
tape drives instead of file storage. I can use volumes of any given pool 
on any storage device.
With file storage, you should keep in mind that bacula will not use the 
same device with two volumes at the same time (although, with file 
storage, that would seem possible).
So, you can define distinct storage devices for each client, or you can 
run the jobs sequentially.
The last is my understanding from earlier dicussions on the list, I 
didn't try this myself.
 Will it create
the pools/volumes under each device, or will it get confused?  I'm not
sure if the pools are more of a 'virtual defintion' of how to create
volumes that you can apply anywhere, or if they are tied more closely to
an instance.
No, a pool is just a collection of volumes, not ncessarily of the same type.

Thanks in advance.
I hope this helps you, and I guess you will find bacula does help a lot 
in doing proper backups.


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