All right, that's maybe a bit long and problem most is that i still
don't really understand how all configuration fit together, but maybe
you've some time to help... ;-))
all my backups will go to disk (finally convinced my boss to buy two
big RAIDs :-)) and i would have single backup-file for each backup run
what i did:
- setup pools as in the example Kern gave in "Using Pools to Manage Volumes"
with some changes: volume retention for full is only 2 month. Another thing
i would like was to have uniqe name for the volumes created according to
the job-name (is this a good idea?)
- created unique schedules for each client (also not sure if that's a good idea)
as shown in the attached configs (i currently have 5 clients for testing, all
are created like the one attached)
- create some jobs that should be run "almost" parallel, but will be started
with some minutes delay (as you remember i had some trobles when running
jobs in "real" parallel).
now my problems...
when starting some jobs manually the jobs won't run in parallel:
Running Jobs:
JobId Level Name Status
7 Increme sunserv-data.2005-05-02_08.09.35 is waiting on max Storage jobs
6 Increme sunserv-system.2005-05-02_08.09.32 is waiting execution
5 Full sonne-data.2005-05-02_08.09.03 is running
4 Increme sonne-system.2005-05-02_08.08.59 is waiting for higher priority jobs to finish
3 Full atpc4ujc-data.2005-05-02_08.06.14 is running
sonne-data, sunserv-data and sunserv-system will all use the same pool and same storage
but why are the "sunserv"-jobs waiting for sonne to complete?
last weekend, when i first tried this configuration, the problem was that almost all of
the backups didn't run because the jobs were waiting for volume to be labeled (but some
of them run and also created volumes automatically!)!! funny, isn't it?
so, sorry if these is really long to read and maybe really dumb...
but... THANK's a lot for your help!!
here's part of my configuration:
# Pool for Full-Backups
Pool {
Name = Full-Pool
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 2 months
Accept Any Volume = yes
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Label Format = "Full-${Job}-${NumVols:p/4/0/r}"
# Pool for differential Backups
Pool {
Name = Diff-Pool
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 40 days
Accept Any Volume = yes
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Label Format = "Diff-${Job}-${NumVols:p/4/0/r}"
# Pool for daily incremental Backups
Pool {
Name = Incr-Pool
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes
AutoPrune = yes
Volume Retention = 20 days
Accept Any Volume = yes
Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
Label Format = "Incr-${Job}-${NumVols:p/4/0/r}"
# Storage for Unix-Server (SUNs)
Storage {
Name = UnixServer
Address = atpcc7fc
SDPort = 9103
Password = "XXXX"
Device = UnixServer-FileStore
Media Type = File
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
# Storage for Windows-Server
Storage {
Name = WinPC
Address = atpcc7fc
SDPort = 9103
Password = "XXXX"
Device = WinPC-FileStore
Media Type = File
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
## i've unique schedules for each client that i'll backup,
## here's one of them...
Schedule {
Name = "Atpc4ujcSystem"
Run = Full 1st sat at 03:15
Run = Full 3rd sat at 03:15
Run = Differential 2nd sat at 03:15
Run = Differential 4th-5th sat at 03:15
Run = Incremental sun-fri at 03:15
Schedule {
Name = "Atpc4ujcWeb"
Run = Full 1st sat at 03:20
Run = Full 3rd sat at 03:20
Run = Differential 2nd sat at 03:20
Run = Differential 4th-5th sat at 03:20
Run = Incremental sun-fri at 03:20
Schedule {
Name = "Atpc4ujcData"
Run = Full 1st sat at 03:25
Run = Full 3rd sat at 03:25
Run = Differential 2nd sat at 03:25
Run = Differential 4th-5th sat at 03:25
Run = Incremental sun-fri at 03:25
# Client (File Services) to backup
Client {
Name = atpc4ujc-fd
Address = atpc4ujc
FDPort = 9102
Catalog = DefaultCatalog
Password = "XXXX"
File Retention = 30 days
Job Retention = 2 month
AutoPrune = yes
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
## and here some jobs for this client
Job {
Name = "atpc4ujc-system"
Client = atpc4ujc-fd
Type = Backup
FileSet = "atpc4ujc-system"
Schedule = "Atpc4ujcSystem"
Storage = WinPC
Pool = Default
Full Backup Pool = Full-Pool
Differential Backup Pool = Diff-Pool
Incremental Backup Pool = Incr-Pool
Messages = Standard
Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/atpc4ujc-system.bsr"
Priority = 8
Job {
Name = "atpc4ujc-web"
Client = atpc4ujc-fd
Type = Backup
FileSet = "atpc4ujc-web"
Schedule = "Atpc4ujcWeb"
Storage = WinPC
Pool = Default
Full Backup Pool = Full-Pool
Differential Backup Pool = Diff-Pool
Incremental Backup Pool = Incr-Pool
Messages = Standard
Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/atpc4ujc-web.bsr"
Priority = 5
Storage {
Name = atpcc7fc-sd
SDPort = 9103
WorkingDirectory = "/var/bacula"
Pid Directory = "/var/run"
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Device {
Name = UnixServer-FileStore
Media Type = File
Archive Device = /Backup2/UnixServer
LabelMedia = yes
Random Access = Yes
AutomaticMount = yes
RemovableMedia = no
AlwaysOpen = no
Device {
Name = WinPC-FileStore
Media Type = File
Archive Device = /Backup1/WinPC
LabelMedia = yes
Random Access = Yes
AutomaticMount = yes
RemovableMedia = no
AlwaysOpen = no