Hello list, 

hopyfully someone can tell me why Ð got the following "intervention 
needed" message by Bacula on Sunday:

backupserver-sd: Job Fileserver-RD.2005-04-03_01.05.00 waiting. Cannot
find  any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
     Storage:      FileStorage
     Media type:   File
     Pool:         Full-Pool

The setup is almost 100% identical to what is described in 
and has been running very well for months now, doing full, differential
and incremental backups to a large disk-RAID.

Why would Bacula suddenly be unable to find appendable volumes when it
has been running without intervention for this long? And more
importantly: what would I need to do to fix this problem so it never
comes back? The site Bacula is backing up is quite a bit away and I
don't have remote access so it would be nice if I was able to drive
there once and fix it for good.

Of course I know that I should use the "label" command now, and I should
do it ASAP since the jobs are waiting for 3 days now, but I want some
background info on this.

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks in advance.
Andreas "daff" Ntaflos 
daff AT dword DOT org
Vienna, Austria 

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